Posts Tagged ‘s23m piratbyrån bus’

S23M – the unfolding story of bolzano and bust

July 4, 2008
This is a little message from the pro-piracy movement of the kopimi bent here in sweden; we are going out of town this summer.

“While the file-sharing spectacle rages on in Sweden, this summer, the Bureau of Piracy looks to the rest of the world and embarks on a journey that will take them throughout Europe with final destination the mountainsides of Bolzano, Italy and the Manifesta art biennial.

The Bureau will continue what started with the walpurgis ritual last year, with a re-examination party in the Italian mountains and the presentation of a new statement based on our recent experiences from the Scandinavian copyfight. The party will be open for you all and the whole project will be documented and shared with everyone. You know who we are.

Manifesta art biennale is held to be one of the most innovative art events of its kind and is highly respected within the contemporary art community. Their invitation of The Bureau of Piracy to Manifesta will expose the artworld to the fascinating KOPIMI way of life.

Follow our historical – like so many other historical trips with buses – as it subverts its way down to the alps.

What is life? Is it picking up your gun in the violence of culture? Is it get free money to, uhm, do something art of a direct action movement? Is it buy a bus, have parties in it, and look at artists from the distance. Or very close. Uncomfortably so.